Peter is homeless. He’s also an incredibly talented writer. We met him at The Connection and he was one of the readers at Orwell’s Down And Out Live.
After we met he sent us this – and it is so moving, so true, so brilliantly written we – with his permission – decided to use it as the “finale” of the show.
And on the day of the event it was published by The Huffington Post. Being homeless strips you of your identity, life becomes more about continuing than doing what you love – and you become used to being ignored. Being unseen and unheard. This is one of the very things Orwell’s Down And Out Live today is seeking to address- so to have Peter’s words be seen by hundreds here and heard by hundreds later today at Stone Nest and online is just incredible.
Please please read this. It’s excellent :…/what-its-like-to-be-homele…